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About Us

Be careful what you wish for…



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Congratulations on finding the home to some of the finest magic products in the world. I can say that, because as a child I dreamed of owning almost everything that you will find on this website. Yes, almost everything on this site was at one time on my wish list of mini miracles. They say that if things were meant to be they will happen regardless of what you do… no really people say that all the time.

Once upon a time there was a brilliant man named Palmer Tilden who somehow convinced many of the greatest magical creators of our time to let him own the rights to some of their finest work. I discovered Palmer through a mutual friend, Jerry Andrus. Palmer and I had been helping each other for a number of years and when he found he was in failing health, he offered me the opportunity to buy Palmer Magic. Well, in 2010 I took a leap of faith and bought this company.

Just like Palmer I will do my best to continue to offer just the finest creations from some of the best magical creators in the world.

Shawn Farquhar

(Photo taken in Nevada in 2010 when Shawn signed the contract to buy Palmer Magic)

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[team_member img=”5328″ name=”Shawn farquhar” title=”CEO / OWNER” facebook=”https://www.facebook.com/magichampion/” instagram=”https://www.instagram.com/magichampion/” twitter=”https://twitter.com/magichampion” youtube=”https://www.youtube.com/user/ShawnFarquhar” email=”shawn@magichampion.com” image_height=”100%” image_width=”80″ image_radius=”100″]

Creator, Owner, Developer, Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.


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[team_member img=”5347″ name=”lori farquhar” title=”mail order queen” facebook=”https://www.facebook.com/lorifarquhar” instagram=”https://www.instagram.com/lori.farquhar/” email=”lori@magichampion.com” image_height=”100%” image_width=”80″ image_radius=”100″]

Lori is the person who actually runs Palmer Magic, and Shawn knows it


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[team_member img=”7079″ name=”Billy Hsueh” title=”PRODUCTION” facebook=”https://www.facebook.com/SleightlyDeceptive” instagram=”https://www.instagram.com/sdpmagic/” image_height=”100%” image_width=”80″ image_radius=”100″]

Responsible for the actual manufacturing of many of the items in the Palmer Magic line up.


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[team_member img=”5348″ name=”alex seaman” title=”Production” facebook=”https://www.facebook.com/AlexSeaman” instagram=”https://www.instagram.com/alexanderwithaz/” image_height=”100%” image_width=”80″ image_radius=”100″]

Responsible for the actual manufacturing of many of the items in the Palmer Magic line up.


